Repatriation – funeral shipping service to and from Jamaica
Our funeral home assist with preparation of needed documents to provide fast and secure transportation of human remains to and from Jamaica. We provide shipping service to any state in USA and we able to ship to Jamaica almost from every state in USA to Jamaica.
Our Funeral Home offers funeral shipping services to Jamaica. With our contacts in Jamaica and the capability to handle paperwork in almost any language, we can tailor service to the needs of the individual case and can arrange for the transport of human remains from United States to any location in Jamaica. Caribe Funeral Home works with consulates and embassies directly to ensure that all necessary protocol is followed and has a diverse customer-base ranging from government agencies to individual families.
Contact funeral shipping service specialist
We are dedicated to providing you with exceptional service. No matter when you call, day or night, funeral shipping specialist to Jamaica will be there 24/7 to assist you. Call us (718)-444-1212